The Penny War has begun!!!!!
about 6 years ago, Martha Maggiore
Mrs. Rohrer's 2nd Grade STEM Class ROCKED Hour of CODE! #pg46pride #hourofcode
about 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton
#pg46pride #hourofcode
#pg46pride #hourofcode
#pg46pride #hourofcode
#pg46pride #hourofcode
Picture retakes are tomorrow! If you wish to have your child's picture retaken, your child must bring the original proofing envelope back to the photographer tomorrow. Students who were absent on picture day do not need any paperwork. Thank you!
about 6 years ago, Martha Maggiore
Good luck to the 7th Grade Boys Basketball Team! Conference Tournament tonight @ 5:00 at Marengo Locust School!
about 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton
8th Grade Girls Basketball Tryouts Monday, 12/10 from 2:45-4:30 Tuesday, 12/11 from 2:45-3:20 (Girls will be able to ride home on the elementary bus) In order to tryout, students needs to have a current sports physical on file in the nurse's office and a signed "agreement to participate"
about 6 years ago, Janna Asp
6th basketball season
about 6 years ago, Linda Williams
Morning greeting in 1st grade!
about 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
Morning greeting in 1st grade!
Morning greeting in 1st grade!
Mark your calendars....the PTO sponsored Book Fair starts one week from today! Get all your holiday shopping done in one stop!
about 6 years ago, Martha Maggiore
Congrats to the Boys Basketball Teams Tonight! 7th and 8th Grade WON against Barrington Station Campus and 6th Grade WON against Cambridge Lakes! GO PANTHERS!
about 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton
8th graders engineering roller coasters in science to demonstrate energy transfers
about 6 years ago, Jennifer Piech
Due to weather, Prairie Grove 46 schools will be closed school on Monday, November 26, 2018 and we will not be hosting any day or evening activities at any of our school facilities. Information regarding the reschedule of activities will be available soon.
about 6 years ago, John Bute
District administration is monitoring a possible weather situation. Please stay tuned for possible weather related announcements.
about 6 years ago, John Bute
Keeping our awesome staff safe!! Proper lifting & carrying techniques inservice training for custodial staff while students on fall break!
about 6 years ago, Kevin Werner
richard dose
Getting ready for Thanksgiving in kindergarten!
about 6 years ago, Julia Rohrer
Getting ready for Thanksgiving in kindergarten!
Elementary PE is getting ready for Thanksgiving with their “Turkey Trot” activity this week.
about 6 years ago, Kyle Knutt
Turkey Trot with 2nd grade.
Goal cam.
6th Grade Boys Basketball Game today will be in the JUNIOR HIGH GYM! Go Panthers!
about 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton
7th Graders played a card game to practice numbers from 0-100.
about 6 years ago, Deanna Yanez
Spanish numbers card game in 7th grade
Trimester 2 STEM is building their wind turbines! #handson #scientistsatwork #STEM #PLTW
about 6 years ago, BETHANY BELLAVIA
Different groups
Seventh-grade architectural drafting
about 6 years ago, Linda Williams
First grade ready to read one of our favorites!
about 6 years ago, Mallory Morse
Family reading night!