We had a spooktacular fun day in Kindergarten! Lots of adorable costumes were on parade and a cute craft was made! We ate a yummy snack, played games and put prizes in our backpack!
over 6 years ago, Regan Spizzirri
The second graders sent the principal postcards from the rainforest. They are having a wonderful “trip.”
over 6 years ago, Martha Maggiore
Prairie Grove was privileged to host Victor Pacini and his Be Seen & Be Heard presentation this week. Victor gave no fewer than 10 presentations and each and every presentation was dynamic, entertaining, and educational. Thank you, Victor, for sharing your program with our parents, staff, and children.
over 6 years ago, Martha Maggiore
Victor Pacini
Mrs. O'Leary came to 8th Grade Literature to help us celebrate Dia De Los Muertos/Day of the Dead!
over 6 years ago, Heather Wilke
Mrs. O'Leary helping 8th Grade Literature students celebrate Dia De Los Muertos!
8th graders calculating speed and energy
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Piech
calculating speed
calculating speed
finding my speed and energy
End of 1st trimester fun singing along to our favorite Sr. Wooly songs in Spanish.
over 6 years ago, Deanna Yanez
Sr. Wooly
6th grade Spanish Students had to ‘Breakout’ of class today while learning about The Day of the Dead.
over 6 years ago, Deanna Yanez
Breakout Activity
Prairie Grove Spice Girls
over 6 years ago, Martha Maggiore
Spice Girls!
Prairie Grove Elementary Halloween Parade!
over 6 years ago, WebMaster
Halloween Parade
Elementary Halloween Parade
over 6 years ago, John Bute
Elementary Parade is a go at PG this morning (10:30 start).
over 6 years ago, John Bute
There is “Room on the Broom” in 1st grade!
over 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
There is “Room on the Broom” in 1st grade!
How will you inspire, lead & teach others to be safe, responsible & respectful Digital Citizens? 6th Grdrs collaborate on spreading their Digital Citizenship messages to their peers.😊Public Service Announcements, digital books, comics & more! #pg46pride #B3B4U #BeInternetAwesome
over 6 years ago, Kaitlyn Hart
6th Grade
7th graders learning how our sense of smell is closely linked to memories. #sciencematters #handsonlearning #kidsdeserveit
over 6 years ago, BETHANY BELLAVIA
Learning about smells
Thank you Prairie Ridge student council for the great Fall cards!
over 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
Thank you!
A happy class of 1st graders! Thank you Prairie Ridge student council for the great Fall cards!
Thank you Prairie Ridge student council for the great Fall cards!
The Erin's Law parent presentation is going to be in the junior high library instead of the junior high gym. We hope to see many of you soon!
over 6 years ago, Martha Maggiore
We were honored to have Sergeant Asplund from the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office & Deputy Chief Freese from the Prairie Grove Police Department here to speak with our 6th Graders about Cyber Safety and managing a safe digital footprint. Thank you so much! 😊#pg46pride
over 6 years ago, Kaitlyn Hart
6th Grade Digital Citizenship
Seventh and eighth grade architectural field trip to Frank Lloyd Wright home and studio
over 6 years ago, Linda Williams
Go PR! Thank you Mrs. Orr’s class and Mrs. Schmidt!
over 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
Go PR!
Go PR!
Table decorations!
Go PR! First play off game today!
#GenerationG #BeKind #BeAccepting #BeGenerous Generation G is simply a conscious decision to be better
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Moon
GiGi's Challenge